Fit for Work

Implementing a full redesign of a mobile app, and creating a new C-Suite web dashboard

My contribution at Fit for Work

I managed the end-to-end user experience of the product, building upon existing designs and adding new features based on client and user needs.

Desktop | Tablet | Mobile

Figma | Miro | Webflow

My role
Product Lead


An example of a new feature that was workshopped and implemented


As with all new features, we started with an ideation workshop to establish the different levels of alerts that might be needed.

One of the key challenges with Fit for Work was the diversity of its clients and the needs of their users.

With this particular feature, we had to ensure that the functionality and design could flex to meet client requirements, as well as being technically feasible for development.

Ideation workshop for alerts

Josh Heap, Product Director | Fit for Work

“Katy is highly accomplished in all the key areas of product design, from user research and prototyping to end-to-end UX & UI design.”

Product walkthrough

This video was created for a prospective client, highlighting the key features that the Fit for Work mobile app offers


Sky | UX designer


TradeHunter | UX/UI designer